use Sudoscript; my $ss=Sudoscript->new(); .. do stuff with $ss
A module to implement some common attributes and methods shared between sudoshell and sudoscriptd. See sudoscript(8), sudoscriptd(8) and sudoshell(1) for descriptions of the sudoscript system.
This module implements routines that
The following sections docment these routimnes more fully.
The constructor is called new(). It does the usual OO style initialization, then returns the result of calling _init();
The _init()
These properties return unqualified command names with switches, when they appear,
appropriate for the running OS. (Since _init()
sets the execution path, we do not
fully qualify the paths to these commands.)
The sudo(8)
command without any switches
The grep(1)
command, without any switches
The ps(1)
command with switches that produce a listing parseable by checkpid()
The complete path to the sudoscriptd init script
The script(1)
command. On Linux, this will have the -q switch added.
The local time zone names set up by _init()
This method checks to see if sudoscriptd is running (via checkpid())
If not, it offers to start it, and gives some helpful advice regarding starting sudoscriptd
at boot time. It also tells the user they need root sudo privilege to successfully start
sudoscriptd. The method then looks for the sudoscriptd init script set up
by _init(). If that script is not found, or is not executable, the method prompts for
an init script path to use. It then attempts to start the daemon. The method sleeps for
three seconds and then checks again for sudoscriptd with checkpid(). If the daemon
still isn't running, the method dies, taking the caller with it.
This method gets the PID of the current sudoscriptd out of /var/run/, if there is such a file. It looks for the PID in the process list If there is such a process, and its name contains 'sudoscriptd', the method returns the PID. Otherwise, it returns 0.
This method returns a date stamp string in one of three formats, depending on the passed parameter.
These are:
wdy = week day name mon = three letter month name TZ = three letter time zone name (e.g. 'PST') yyyy = four digit year mo = two digit month number dd = two digit day of month hh = two digit hour mm = two digit minute ss = two digit second
This method closes STDIN and STDOUT, and redirects STDERR to a file named:
Where $tag is a string passed to the method. There are commonly three, but sometimes
two or four types of daemons running at all times in the sudoscript system. Each of them
calls daemon_io()
and each gets a seperate (per daemon type) stderr log. These are
are overwritten on the next sudoscriptd startup.
Howard Owen, <>
Copyright 2003 by Howard Owen
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.